Wall Art: the photography of Philip Rubin

The photos on this website by Philip Rubin are of art that appears in public places, including murals, painted buildings, and a variety of street art. Since the 1980s, he has been photographing in locations around the world. This site is intended to preserve the history of these pieces and, in some cases, provide a little background or context — below is a small selection. … More Wall Art coming soon!!


People: Marilyn | Parasuco | Omen | Grenade Boy | Trejo
Murals: Venus | Venice Reconstituted | Rosehead | Scarbo | Sky/Ground 
Buildings: Zebra |  Demolition  | Varnishes | Playhouses | Ping Yuen   
Robots: Alarm |  Alien  | LEPOS-Egyptian | Robot Attack | Dancing Robots   
Early: DINER | Windows | Cincinnati Bolt | Classical | Kern’s


[Navigation hints. To see my photos, get started by clicking on Marilyn, above. To move through the series, click on a picture, or use the navigation arrows at the bottom of each page. Before doing so, please be aware that most of the photos have links that provide information about the artists and additional context. Some of the photos have links to additional, related photos.]

“Wall art is transient: the duration of the existence of a piece is indeterminate and is often subject to the vagaries of the elements, urban development and decay and time; the medium, instead of being canvas, is architectural - brick, metal, stucco, drainpipes, windows, doors, etc.; the artist is often unknown;  the passing of time and the public venues invite unanticipated collaboration.”

All art on this site is the copyright of the original artist(s). Your help is needed. If you are an artist of any of these pieces, or know the artist(s), or anything about any of the pieces, please contact me.