AI Reading List: AI-related People - A-F

Below is a portion of my informal list of readings related to Artificial Intelligence (AI). This started out as a very short list created for use in conjunction with an academic presentation and has now grown much larger. Please let me know if you have any corrections, additions, suggestions, etc. It is very idiosyncratic and not meant to be comprehensive. Please feel free to share with others.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Reading List, by Philip Rubin

AI-related People - A-F:

Robert P. Abelson

David Ackley

Jay Alammar

Colin Allen

Kelsey Allen

Sam Altman

Anima Anandkumar

W. Ross Ashby

Ruzena Bajcsy

Carlos Baquero

Andrew Barto

Emily M. Bender

Yoshua Bengio

Ruha Benjamin

Daniel G. Bobrow

Margaret A. Boden

Nick Bostrom

Ronald J. Brachman

Cynthia Breazeal (MIT Media Lab)

Chris Bregler

Rodney Brooks

Meredith Broussard

Joy Buolamwini

Andriy Burkov

Murray Campbell

Lawrence Carin (Duke)

Gail Carpenter

Eugene Charniak

Yejin Choi

François Chollet

Andy Clark

Adam Coates (Apple)

David Cope

Kate Crawford

Ernest Davis

Nando de Freitas (UBC)

Jeff Dean

Marc Deisenroth

Dmitri Dolgov

Pedro Domingos

Hubert Dreyfus

Stuart Dreyfus

Oren Etzioni (AI2)

Lewis Farrell

Edward Feigenbaum

Christiane Fellbaum

Ken Forbus

David Forsyth

Lex Fridman (website)

   PEOPLE: A-F | G-L | M-R | S-Z

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