AI Reading List: Technologies: Autonomous Weapons

Below is a portion of my informal list of readings related to Artificial Intelligence (AI). This started out as a very short list created for use in conjunction with an academic presentation and has now grown much larger. Please let me know if you have any corrections, additions, suggestions, etc. It is very idiosyncratic and not meant to be comprehensive. Please feel free to share with others.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Reading List, by Philip Rubin

Technologies — Autonomous Weapons:

Michael C. Horowitz. The Ethics & Morality of Robotic Warfare: Assessing the Debate over Autonomous Weapons. Daedalus, 145(4), 25-36, Fall 2016.

Stuart Russell, Anthony Aguirre, Emilia Javorsky, and Max Tegmark. Lethal Autonomous Weapons Exist; They Must Be Banned. IEEE Spectrum, June 16, 2021.

Stuart Russell. Lethal Autonomous Weapons. Personal website, accessed May 20, 2022.

Future of Life Institute. Lethal Autonomous Weapon Systems. accessed April 23, 2022.

Lethal AWS. Slaughterbots are Here.

Aaron Aupperlee. An AI pilot may be able to navigate crowded airspace. TechXPlore, Aug. 8, 2022.

Michael Levenson. San Francisco Considers Allowing Use of Deadly Robots by Police. The New York Times, Nov. 30, 2022.

Peter Weber. The rise and regulation of killer police robots. The Week, Dec. 2, 2022.

Eduardo Medina and McKenna Oxenden. San Francisco Backtracks on Plan to Allow Police Robots to Use Deadly Force. The New York Times, Dec. 6, 2022. 

Wikipedia. Lethal Autonomous Weapon.

Wikipedia. Machine Ethics.

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